And the Winner Is..

I’m very pleased to be able to announce the winner of the DLR ‘Blowing in the Wind’ Competition but first, I’d like to thank Otto Von Munchow for taking the time to judge the shortlist and for coming up with such an interesting theme.  I’d also like to thank all those who took part and voted in the competition.  Finally I’d like to thank Topaz Labs for once again supplying us with such a great prize.

So without further ado as they say..

The winner is Melinda Green Harvey for her Photograph Where the Wind Gallops

Where the Wind Gallops50px SpacerCongratulations Melinda!  Melinda Wins Topaz Lab’s Complete Collection. The names of the other shortlisted photographers can be seen by clicking on the photo gallery below.  Once again, it’s been a fabulous competition so thank you to everyone who took part.

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Filed under Competition, Photography Competition